The Consequences of Not Changing Air Filters in Miami Beach, FL

Learn about why it's important to regularly change your HVAC filter and how it affects your home comfort and energy efficiency.

The Consequences of Not Changing Air Filters in Miami Beach, FL

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable and energy efficient, one of the most important tasks is to regularly change the air filter in your heating and cooling system. A clogged HVAC filter can cause a variety of problems, from increased utility bills to major air conditioner repairs. When the filter becomes clogged, air cannot easily flow through the system. This means that the entire system has to work harder to distribute heat or air where it's needed, increasing your utility bills, as the air works longer.

A simple maintenance task, such as changing the air filter, is one of the most important tasks that must be performed to properly care for the heating and cooling system. The HVAC filter should be replaced every 1 to 3 months, depending on use. A clogged filter forces the air conditioner to work harder than usual, causing air to pass through the system. Slow airflow makes it virtually impossible for the system to provide you with adequate cooling, so the air conditioner can run continuously in a futile effort to cool the house.

This can cause significant damage to the compressor. A new air filter is cheap, but replacing this key component is a major air conditioner repair that will cost you. If you want to ensure that your air conditioning system is operating at its optimal capacity between seasonal settings, one of the easiest steps you can take is to change your air filters regularly. In addition to the most obvious measures, such as keeping windows and doors closed, turning off bathroom fans and extractor hoods can also help reduce the amount of outside air drawn into your home. When used in the real world, the air in the house is constantly recirculated through the ducts and each time passes through the filters, the cumulative effect of the filters increases. They are installed in wall-mounted air intake vents (most common in the south) or in the air treatment system (more common in the Mid-Atlantic and Northern states, where the air handler is usually placed in the basement, near the oven).

You won't be able to repair the system until the ice melts, which can cause additional problems if water melts down the condensate drain and seeps out. Call today to schedule your next preventive maintenance visit with Del-Air Heating and Air Conditioning. We think the manufacturers' concerns are a bit cautious, in part because a recent innovation in air filters allows for high MERV ratings (11 to 13) with a low pressure drop. Powell said that “you have invested a considerable amount in your air conditioning system and, unless you know how much pressure drop you have and how much longer you can withstand, you could end up shortening the life of your fan. Available in a variety of sizes and usually at a lower price than other similar competitors, this pleated electret filter traps just about everything you breathe at home.

The air filter in your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system plays a critical role, removing irritants from the air and keeping the internal components of the air conditioner clean. One maintenance task you should make sure you don't miss is to change the dirty air filter in your air conditioner or heating system. Neglecting this simple task can have serious consequences for your home comfort and energy efficiency. To avoid costly repairs or replacements down the line, make sure you change your air filters regularly according to manufacturer's instructions. Doing so will help keep your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently all year round.

Jenifer Eskenazi
Jenifer Eskenazi

Wannabe zombieaholic. Professional food aficionado. Certified twitteraholic. Passionate zombie nerd. Certified bacon lover. Certified introvert.

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